Saturday, December 10, 2011

Catch up

The family took a trip *up nort' der, eh* over Thanksgiving.  It had been almost a year since we made the drive, so we figured it was time to do it again.  Traveling with four kids in a van can be fairly interesting.  Thankfully we have a DVD player and, for the most part, the kids can agree on movies to watch =)

Packing all of her stuff.  And then I went back through it and made sure she had enough pairs of underwear and pants for the trip =)

I love my Junior.  The day before we left, I found this written on the table.

There was just a little bit of snow on the ground when we got to my in- laws.

So the older two decided to have a snowball fight.

Except neither one of them has very good aim.

Or a strong enough arm to really hit anyone =)

Watching the football game.  To be fair, it was a long drive and we drove through the night (easier to have the kids sleeping instead of fighting over movies ;))

This is Guy and his horse Shadow.  He runs Changing Gaits.  An amazing organization that uses horses for therapy.

He was kind enough to let us ride his horses.  They are so well trained (and use to kids) that Girly- girl could ride by herself.

Shadow wanted to follow Guy around.

Squish Bear was more concerned about his hands being dirty than wanting to ride the horses.

Junior on Shadow.

 Trying to explain how to hold the reigns.  He was holding them too short, so Shadow kept stopping.

Follow the leader.  Girly- girl is riding Dozer now.  He likes to follow.

Round and round we go!

One last time around.  Papa was very excited to see his grandkids take to riding.  

I even managed to get up on a horse (it's been about 20 yrs since I last rode).  This is Dee Dee.  She has a bit of an attitude and will take advantage of you if you're nervous around horses.

Sweet Pea meeting Baby T.  My friend and I were pregnant at the same time (again- we've been pregnant together through all my pregnancies and her last 4).  Baby T was born 2 days before Sweet Pea.

"See, this is how you're supposed to do tummy time."

"You know, you're really cute and I think...  Oh wait!  Something shiny over there!"

Meeting Ms Carla.  She loved snuggling with a little girl...  She has 4 big boys in her house =)

And Mr Joel had to get some snuggle time in too =)

Me and Baby T, Ms Carla, Ms Jessica and Sweet Pea.  K is standing- he's the same age as Junior.  R is laying on the floor- he's the same age as Squish Bear.  Somehow I managed to miss getting a picture of Girly- girl with E, but trust me, they were very cute together. 

Snuggling at Papa's house.  Not too many pictures from my parents' house.  Girly- girl ended up getting sick and then I got sick...  We stayed pretty low key the couple days we were there.

When we got home, this beautiful ring sling was waiting for me in the mail.  And so I wore it to a boxing ring =)

That's pretty much what we've been up to the last couple weeks.  Now to start getting things ready for Christmas =)

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