Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year...

And it's full of possibilities.  But only if you're willing to step out of your comfort zone.  

Every year millions of people make resolutions and every year, only about 8% of the people keep those resolutions.  That's why I set goals and map out a plan to achieve them.  I decide what I want to do and then figure out how I'm going to do it.

But, before I even sat down to write out my goals, I wrote down my top three priorities.  This three priorities are so important that everything else has support one of them in some way.  If the goal doesn't fit my priorities, then it's not a goal I want to pursue.

For 2013, my top 3 priorities are:

1) My relationship with God- Making sure that is in line and is reflected in everything else I do.
2) My relationship with my husband and kids- Making sure that they know they are my priority and that I'm never too busy with *stuff* to be present in their lives.
3) My health- Making sure that I take care of myself so that I can take care of others and be able to enjoy my life.

This year I wrote down at least 3 goals for each area of my life- physical, spiritual, financial, business, homeschooling and lifestyle.  From those, I picked my top 10 goals, the ones that I really want to accomplish this year.  And then from those top 10, I picked my PUSH goal.  The one goal that will trigger everything else falling into place.

My PUSH goal is to declutter and to get more organized.  This will allow me the time and freedom to pursue my other goals.  Each week I'm going to focus on one area of the house and get rid of what we don't use anymore.  Once I have less *stuff* hanging around, I'll be able to organize and actually use what I have =)

My ten goals for this year (in no particular order) are:

1) Four days a week of schooling with the kids (180 for the year)
2) Read through the Bible (5 chapters a day)
3) Declutter and organize
4) Pay of credit card debt
5) 1000 miles running (19.2 miles/ week)
6) Daily reading with the kids, usually at bedtime
7) Increase our savings account
8) 10,000 push- ups (192/ week)
9) Develop my business plan that includes a mission statement and what my goal is
10) To be more joyful- find something everyday that filled me with joy

I kick started my running goal this morning.  I ran a virtual half marathon- no, that does not mean I imagined myself running it =).  I ran the Runningnerds Winter Blast Half Marathon in 1:51:51.  Which is one of my faster marathons and only about 6 minutes off of my pr.  Not too bad for running by myself.  For my efforts, I snagged this medal:

Photo by lberger1016

And the swag bag was pretty sweet too.  Lots of free samples and a long sleeve t-shirt and a hooded sweatshirt.

Only 986.9 miles to go =)

If you're looking for support and accountability to reach your goals this year, join my facebook page for daily inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm sitting here smiling as our goals for 2013 are almost identical, right down to the declutter!

    What a wonderful way to kick off the New Year! I know it'll be a great one!

